Anxiety and Acceptance During a Global Pandemic
Since the threat of COVID-19 stopped being something that was happening in another country and started becoming a reality over here I have noticed a big increase in anxiety. This has ranged from people having rational discussions about their fears to witnessing arguments break out over social media. There is no escaping it. If you […]
Are You Chasing the Elusive Butterfly of Happiness?
For many of us, happiness can be compared to an elusive butterfly. Picture the scene – you are in your garden and you see a beautiful butterfly. You try to move in closer for a better look, but every time you get close it flits to the next flower, just that bit more out of […]
Understanding Loss
Although loss is a part of the bereavement process it covers much more than the death of a loved one. Loss is when you are mourning the loss of something, your life has changed and is no longer what you once knew. Loss and grief are deeply personal. Everyone responds differently. There are various theories […]
Understanding the Counselling Process
Have you considered counselling before but you aren’t quite sure what it is or what to expect? Counselling provides you with a confidential, non-judgmental space to explore what is going on at a safe pace that suits yourself. You may wish to explore your issues, experiences, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. These may be a result […]

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