The Counselling Process

Wishaw Counselling Service - long term and short term therapy

What is Counselling

Counselling is a place for you to discuss what’s going on for you. It is non-judgmental and confidential.

The therapeutic relationship between us is one of acceptance and honesty. As your counsellor, I provide you with the support or challenge you may need to make any desired changes or outcomes.

Due to the nature of what we may be working on, this can leave you feeling out of sorts for a brief period of time at the start of your counselling journey. This is only temporary and is to be expected due to the nature of what we may be working on. As your counselling continues this will fade over time.

It is important to recognise this as a something that may happen in the early stages and not see it as a negative side effect of therapy.

Alternatively, you may feel lighter after therapy.

We are all individuals and respond differently.

Due to this self-care is important whether it’s making space for you, or spending time with others after your sessions, whatever works for you.

You need to be committed and ready to do the work on a regular basis. This helps you get the most out of your sessions.

Be honest throughout your psychotherapy process with any questions or concerns you have. This allows me to validate your anxiety or put your mind at ease.

Counselling allows you to work on your self-awareness; how you are in situations and relationships, potential triggers you may have, where they have come from and how they impact you now.

Increasing your self-awareness allows you to have a better understanding of yourself and how life experiences have shaped you.

You can then make positive choices as you move forward in your life.

For counselling to be effective you have to be committed to the process and attend on a regular basis, preferably weekly.

If you work shifts we can change your appointment time on a weekly basis and arrange your next appointment at the end of each session.

If you’re waiting on your rota, get in touch as soon as you know your shifts and we can get you booked in at a time that works for both of us.

We are both working together to get the best possible outcome for you.

If you have any further questions please get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you deliver sessions?

I'm glad to say that I have resumed face-to-face sessions from my Wishaw address.

But as I'm trained to deliver sessions remotely I will still have video sessions and telephone sessions as an option.

How much do you charge?

Sessions are £50 for 50 minutes, payable a minimum of 24 hours in advance.

Where are you located?

I am based in Kenilworth Avenue where I work from my home.

I am a 5-minute walk from the bus stop and a 10-minute walk from Wishaw train station.

If you're coming by car, you can park for free on the street outside or feel free to use my runway.

Though if travelling is a problem, we can have our session by video call or telephone.

As long as you are in the UK at the time of your appointment we can work together.

Do you have disabled access?

I do not as there are 2 steps at my front door and my office is then up a flight of stairs.

Do I have to wear a face mask?

No, but if you'd prefer us to both wear a face mask for the session let me know. I don't mind if it makes you feel more at ease and I have spare masks available if needed.

I am developing symptoms of a cold / flu, can I still attend in person?

No, do not attend in person if you seem to be developing something.

I work with many people throughout the day who may be vulnerable health-wise or have vulnerable families they are returning to.

I want to ensure I provide a safe environment for everyone.

If you are starting to feel ill and we can do video or telephone sessions until you are better.

When I had COVID, for the first few days I thought I had a cold, then the flu as it got worse as the tests were negative for the first few days.

I self-isolated just in case and will do the same again.

Is counselling confidential?

What you say in the session stays between you and me.

There are a few exceptions to this that are explained in my confidentiality policy that I send out before your first session. I then recap the main points in the first session.

When are you open?

Monday: 09:15-17:30

Tuesday: 09:15-17:30

Wednesday: 09:15-17:30

Thursday: 09:15-15:00

Depending on availability the slots are: 09:15, 10:30, 11:45, 13:00, 14:15, 15:30 and 16:45

Do I need an appointment?

Yes. I have various appointments throughout the week but they do need to be scheduled.

I can usually offer appointments within 24-72 hours.

How does online counselling work?

Please see this page for a more detailed explanation. If you still have questions after this, please do get in touch and I’ll be happy to answer them.

I may even need to add your question to this section. If you’re asking the question, others will be too.

How do I refer?

You can refer by using the contact form on the website or call /text/WhatsApp/Telegram 07488 312 784.

I aim to reply to emails, messages and texts as soon as possible from Monday to Thursday.

How many sessions will I need?

It is impossible to answer this as each person’s needs are different but we can discuss this in more detail in your first session if you wish.

Can I have a friend or family member with me?


I understand you may think that it would be additional support for you but others in the room may unwittingly bring up issues you are not ready to talk about and therefore cause you added anxiety etc.

You may feel censored and not able to open up fully if someone else is there.

They may bring issues into the room that you do not want to discuss.

I want to understand what is going on for you from your point of view, not someone else’s.

Having someone else in the session can hinder how your progress.

I ask that you are alone for your session to ensure your confidentiality.

I just want a quick fix with some techniques and for you to tell me what to do

Therapy requires a big effort on your part.

Understanding what is going on for you and the impact things have had on you could be enough and you may not need coping techniques.

By focusing on coping techniques you would be ignoring the issue that caused the need for coping techniques.

If you feel this way, you may not be ready to begin therapy and that is OK, or I may not be the right type of therapist for you.

Once you feel ready to deal with the issues you can book a session.

How often is it recommended I attend?

This is up to you. It is recommended at the start you attend weekly. As therapy progresses and you start to feel better you may wish to reduce the frequency to fortnightly or monthly before ending.

I understand that you may not have the space in your diary to attend weekly so I leave this choice up to you.

Do I need to attend a minimum number of sessions?

No. You attend for as long as you feel you want to.

Do I need to block book sessions?

No. We book in at the end of each session. If you need a specific time slot due to shifts we can reserve these a few weeks in advance if you wish.

I usually have a wide range of appointments.

Do I need to pay in advance?

Yes, I ask that payment is made a minimum of 24 hours prior to your appointment by bank transfer.

What if I am running late?

This is not an issue as this time slot is booked for you but please let me know asap.

If you are late due to extenuating circumstances I will try to give you your full 50-minute appointment but this may not always be possible as someone could be booked into the next slot.

If I have not heard from you 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, I will assume you are not attending and end the session on my end. This will still be chargeable in line with my cancellation policy.

If I have to cancel an appointment will I lose my space?

No. If you know you can't attend in advance please let me know as soon as possible, we can then book you in for your next appointment.

If you can't attend in person, would swapping to a telephone or video call help rather than you missing your session?

The cancellation policy is a minimum of 24 hours notice or the full fee is chargeable. This will not affect future sessions going forward.

What if I meet you in public?

I will not approach you first or start a conversation but you can approach me if you wish.

I won't approach you as you may be with someone and not want to explain how you know me (we've all got those nosey friends/relatives), or you may just not want to talk to me due to the nature of what we work on.

I fully understand this and will not be offended.

I'm not sure if I really need counselling as I am okay sometimes?

Sometimes you are OK which means sometimes you are not.

You don't need to be in an awful place to start counselling.

Coming now may help you to work on your issues before they become too overwhelming.

There are people worse off than me that need help first

They may be but during your session, you are my focus.

Other people are welcome to begin therapy when they feel ready to.

You don't need to be in the worst place to begin therapy. Being in a "not too bad" place could even help you to tackle your issues before they become too big or too painful.

I don't know if I could talk for the full 50 minutes

Once the session begins it is amazing what topics have a way of bubbling up to the surface, things you may not have planned to talk about.

If you need help getting started let me know and we can work through this together.

I don't want to talk about X, Y, Z

You don't need to talk about anything you don't feel ready to but it is amazing what can come up, you may find it wasn't as difficult as you imagined.

We don't need to talk about specific events in detail but instead focus on the impact it has had on you.

I'm too busy and I'm not sure if I have the time

We book you in at a time we both agree on. You don't need to stick to the same appointment time if your work hours vary each week.

Video sessions are more convenient as you don't have the additional travelling time.

Does this go on my NHS File?

No. I am self-employed and work alone. I do not pass files onto the NHS.

If you have any other questions, please do let me know. If you’re asking it, others may be too and I may even add it to this page.

If you feel like your questions have been answered and are ready to book your first session, call, text, WhatsApp or Telegram me on 07488 312784, email me or complete the contact form below.

Get in touch

Please click here to make a booking. Or use the form here to contact me with any questions you may have or to arrange your first appointment.

You can call me on 07488312784 if you would prefer to speak to me first.

I am happy to discuss any questions you may have prior to arranging your first appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours Monday to Thursday.

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